Janzen Family Trains
Oddessa Calhoun Division
Gateway Port Ntrak
Lgirder Benchwork Cantilevered off Walls
Control System Digitrax Chief/ Soundtraxx Surroundtraxx
Car routing JMRI Operations
Joint operation by the Santa Fe Railroad and the Arkansas and Missouri Railroad
Mostly handlaid code 55 track along with some Micro Engineering code 55 flex and bridge track.
Design Concept 3 town short line
Industries: warehouses, coal mine, grain elevators, small port, rail car ferry.
Large Locomotive Terminal
Metrolink commuter operation
Free standing modular design
Control System Digitrax Zepher or Chief
Car Routing JMRI Operations
Santa Fe owned terminal railroad
All non Ntrak lines handlaid Micro Engineering code 55 track. Ntrak mains Code 80 Atlas Track
Design concept- Large port operation
Industries: warehouses; coal, oil, and grain rail to barge transloaders; ship to rail facilities; rail car ferry
Interchanges with Class 1 rail lines (Ntrak mains)
Small locomotive terminal
A Free-moN module depicting the town of
Halstead, Kansas as I remember it in the 1980's